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另外,在现代处理器中,为了实现操作系统的虚拟内存功能,在CPU内部封装了一个内存管理单元(Memory Management Unit, MMU),用于实现虚拟地址和物理地址之间的相互转化。

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计算机中,数据存储与访问的最小单位是字节。一个字节对应于8个二进制比特。一个字节可以表示的范围从\(00000000_2\sim 11111111_2\),这相当于十进制数的\(0\sim255\),或是十六进制数的\(00\sim FF\)

每台计算机都有一个字长,对应于指针类型数据的大小。由于指针的值是一个虚拟地址,因此字长也决定了虚拟地址空间的大小。例如32位的字长所能表示的虚拟空间为\(4\times 10^9\)字节(约4GB),而64位字长能表示的虚拟空间大小达\(1.84\times 10^{19}\)字节。64位的计算机上可以运行64位的程序,同时也可以兼容32位程序,而32位的计算机上只能运行32位的程序。

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  • 通用寄存器:X64将x86的8个通用寄存器扩展为64位,并且增加8个新的64位寄存器。64位寄存器命名以“r”开始,例如:eax扩展为64位就是rax,8个新的64位寄存器命名为r8到r15。每个寄存器的低32位,16位,8位可以作为操作数直接寻址,这包括向esi这样的寄存器,以前他的低8位不可以直接寻址。下表说明了64位通用寄存器的低位部分在汇编语言中的命名。


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Signature schemes allow a signer \(S\) who has established a public key \(pk\) to "sign" a message using the associated private key \(sk\) in such a way that anyone who knows \(pk\) (and knows that this public key was established by \(S\)) can verify that the message originated from \(S\) and was not modified in transit. (Note that the owner of the public key behaves as the sender, which is in contrast to the public-key encryption)

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Math related with public-key encryption

Diffie-Hellman problems

Fix a cyclic group \(\mathbb{G}\) and a generator \(g\in \mathbb{G}\). Given elements \(h_{1},h_{2}\in \mathbb{G}\), define \(DH_{g}(h_{1},h_{2})=g^{log_{g}h_{1}\cdot log_{g}h_{2}}\). That is, if \(h_{1}=g^{x_{1}}\) and \(h_{2}=g^{x_{2}}\) then \[ DH_{g}(h_{1},h_{2})=g^{x_{1}\cdot x_{2}}=h_{1}^{x_{2}}=h_{2}^{x_{1}} \]

The computational Diffie-Hellman(CDH) problem is to compute \(DH_{g}(h_{1},h_{2})\) for uniform \(h_1\) and \(h_2\). It is not clear whether hardness of the discrete-logarithm problem implies that the CDH problem is hard as well.

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Basic concepts


A hash function (with output length \(\ell\)) is a pair of probabilistic polynomial-time algorithms \((Gen,H)\) satisfying the following:

  • \(Gen\) is a probabilistic algorithm that takes as input a security parameter \(1^n\) and outputs a key \(s\). We assume that \(1^n\) is implicit in \(s\).
  • \(H\) takes as input a key \(s\) and a string \(x\in \{0,1\}^*\) and outputs a string \(H^{s}(x)\in \{0,1\}^{\ell(n)}\) (\(n\) is the security parameter implicit in \(s\)).

In general case, the function takes as input strings of arbitrary length. If \(H^s\) is defined only for inputs \(x\in\{0,1\}^{\ell '(n)}\) and \(\ell '(n)>\ell(n)\), then we say that \((Gen,H)\) is a fixed-length hash function for inputs of length \(\ell '\). In this case, \(H\) is also called a compression function.

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Basic concepts

Message integrity

Message integrity (Message authentication): each party should be able to identify when a message it receives was sent by the party claiming to send it, and it was not modified in transit.

E.g. A bank should make sure a transfer request is sent by a legitimate user, and the received request should not be modified.

Remember that encryption does not privide any integrity unless it is specifically designed with that purpose!

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Computational secure encryption

Perfect secrecy

Perfect secrecy: absolutely no information is leaked, even the eavesdropper has unlimited computational power(not practical in reality so it could be compromised in implementation).

Two attacks apply regardless of how the encryption scheme is constructed:

  1. Brute force attack: the adversary decrypt \(c\) using all keys \(k\in \mathcal{K}\).

  2. Random attack: the adversary guess a uniform key \(k\in \mathcal{K}\) and check to see whether \(Dec_{k}(c_{i})=m_{i}\) for all \(i\), which has success probability \(\frac{1}{|\mathcal{K}|}\).

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Basic concepts

What is cryptography?

The study of mathematical techniques for securing digital information, systems, and distributed computations against adversarial attacks.


  • private(symmetric) key encryption: encryption and decryption use the same key.
  • public(asymmetric) key encryption: encryption and decryption use different keys.
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